Saturday, August 1, 2015

extended Annotated Bibliography

Hitt, Christine. "The Sacredness of Mauna Kea Explained." MANA. N.p., 7 Apr. 2015. Web. 01 Aug. 2015.
This article overviews the sacred land of Mauna Kea. It first starts by describing its geographical features along with its elevation and other characteristics. The article then goes into talking about the lands genealogy by describing certain meanings of Hawaiian sayings and the history of the land. After, the article goes further into detail talking about important lakes and their significance towards the culture. It also points out the important burial sites in Muana Kea by giving examples of who the people were and their significance. Finally the article shows a map of the land and points out every sacred or cultural aspect on Mauna Kea. This article will help me in my paper because it gives great detail of what Native Hawaiians are trying to protect. It shows their point of view of the land.

Hofschneider, Anita. "Does the Thirty Meter Telescope Pose Environmental Risks? - Civil Beat." Civil Beat. N.p., 26 Apr. 2015. Web. 01 Aug. 2015.
This article talks about the environmental effects and precautions that the TMT is going through and its impact on Mauna Kea. It explains how TMT picked the exact spot for construction and the evaluations they went through when deciding. It also talks about new environmental statements that are being made in order to stop TMT. This article will help me in my project because it shows the precautions that TMT went through before building, showing that they are respecting the land they work with.

Hofschneider, Anita. "Hashtag Heard 'Round the World: Social Media Fuels TMT Protests - Civil Beat." Civil Beat. N.p., 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 01 Aug. 2015.
This article talks about the explosion of the TMT controversy on social media. It focuses on the #TMTshutdown, showing that it has been posted all around the world, making this controversy bigger and bigger. The author explains several different stories of people who have posted and the different hashtags they have been using. She also talks about how this started with such a small group of protestors but has been seen globally. This article will help in my project by showing the other side of the controversy and their plan to keep fighting this issue. It will help me show how big this issue has turned into through social media.

ITO, DANIEL IKAIKA. "A Native Hawaiian Astrophysicist's Mana'o on the Thirty Meter Telescope." A Native Hawaiian Astrophysicist's Mana'o on the Thirty Meter Telescope. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Aug. 2015.
This article is about an Astrophysicist who is also a Hawaiian Native talking about TMT and why it is good. The article goes into detail about the advantages that TMT will bring to the scientific community. More importantly it talks about why Mauna Kea is the perfect place for TMT to be built and the research it will lead us too. Finally it goes over the information TMT will bring scientists along with the public misconceptions on the project. This will be extremely helpful in my project because it shows all the positives for TMT from a professional who is also a Hawaiian Native.

"Thirty Meter Telescope Case Headed to Hawaii Supreme Court - Pacific Business News." Pacific Business News. N.p., 8 June 2015. Web. 01 Aug. 2015.
This article talks about the case that is going to the supreme court for the TMT and Mauna Kea issue. It overviews the specifics of the case and what is being appealed. It talks about the important people who got together to appeal the states decision. This will be helpful towards my paper because it gives me updated info on the future of the TMT project as it goes to the supreme court.

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