Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Reflection on My Writing Experiences 
1) Before taking my first-year composition courses I thought that english and writing were just classes that I needed to get out of the way as a requirement through the school. But little did I realize that I will be writing business papers, presentations, articles all throughout my college years, and that these classes will help perfect my writing for my other classes when professional papers are needed to be done. 

2) The biggest lesson I learned is that no paper or any form of writing is its best when first written. Writing needs to be read aloud, twisted, changes, and reformatted before and can be decided to be published. Its a whole process when writing a paper, and revisions are one of the most important parts about it.
"As the second project came along I still planned it out very specifically and waited for the last minute, however, I looked over my draft and final paper 2 or 3 more times than I ever did before. I even remember when I was turning in my second project, I was confident that it was thoroughly done and didn't have many mistakes at all. I knew that it read through clearly and that made me feel very confident while turning it in."

3) I liked how in the class we made cluster maps and found more sources than we needed, making us have extensive research done before the writing even began. It helped by having many options to choose from and made me narrow it down and focus on one idea.

"In this cluster, I separated the information into three parts. The first part contains the main rhetorical strategies that are in the article that have appeals to credibility and logic. The second part shows the main cultural values that portrayed in the article. The final part contains all the rhetorical situations including the audience, context, and purpose of the article."

4) I really liked the peer review process because it helped me see what my other classmates were writing about and how different their writing structures were compared to mine. There comments on my paper also helped a lot by catching things that I did not see.

"After reading through my peers drafts, I realized that people make these types of errors all the time.  I realized that you have to read very closely to find some of them, but they are there. The most common error I found was in needed words and variety. A lot of people didn't have a hug variety of sentences. Second people were missing words that could have been used to make their sentences a little bit more clear."

5) In this course we didn't get the chance to have conferences with our instructor because it was an online class. But the comments left on our papers helped out a lot. 

6) I actually talked to many people about my controversy because they would ask why Im writing a paper during summer, and the conversation would lead to me telling them why a telescope should be built on the sacred land of Mauna Kea. This helped because it gave me other peoples views on my views. 

7) My revision process changed throughout the class as I didn't look over much on the first paper but as the class progressed I realized its importance and started to revise and change my papers making them much more better. For the second and third essay I read aloud and changed my paper multiple times.

8) I never knew what a QRG was before this class. It was fun to write one and understand its significance. Also my last essay I wrote it in an article format. I thought it was easier than a standard college essay because there weren't as many restrictions

"the conventions of a quick reference guide seem to be a way to organize information to show give the public a quick insight about a certain topic, person, or event."

9) I would understand the significance of the work better and definitely revise my previous papers a lot more. 

10) I can now see how college writing will help me later in writing business papers and journal articles. It helped my address an audience in the most effective way which is a great advantage to have as a writer. 

11) I learned that revising is an extremely important part of the writing process. I also learned that QRG's are a very successful way to become familiar with a certain topic.

12) Yes, after doing the three projects, I realized that I am and may always be a procastinated writer, however, its not a bad thing if I leave time to always get it done and to revise. 

13)I feel like I gained many new aspects of writing from each of the projects done in this class. None of them seemed pointless or not helpful in any way. 

14)Out of the goals that were expressed in the syllabus, I believe that couple them were successfully achieved throughout this course. Developing an argument and writing a persuasive paper. I feel like I successfully learned how to take a controversy, pick a side, and express my opinion the the public with a persuasive voice. Another success was using the conventions of academic writing, including clear, convincing prose

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