Saturday, August 1, 2015

Narrowing My Focus
1) What precautions is the TMT construction team taking while building on this sacred land?

I find this question to be very important, because I want to find out the efforts the TMT team has been putting in to make sure they aren't trashing the sacred land. This can help the debate, because if the telescopes are completely destroying the land and causing harm to it, the situation is very different.

2) What are the details of the challenge that was sent to the supreme court?
I want to find out information about this because it will tell me what compromises are trying to be made, and what the future of TMT might be

3) If not all, what parts of Mauna Kea are sacred, or is the Telescope literally sitting the sacred land?

This is important because it will tell me how important this exact area is to the Natives or if it is just the whole area that has a significant meaning. 

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