Thursday, August 6, 2015

Outlining my public argument

Introduction- ( address the audience by paraphrasing source on social media posts.)For my introduction I am going to use the "Connect the issue to your audiences World View". For this approach I am going to start be acknowledging the importance of culture and origin to relate to my audiences values and viewpoints on the situation. After I go over basic details on the subject I am going to explain the major importance of this Telescope by introducing my viewpoint. My viewpoint is that it is important to respect culture and acknowledge it, but we can't let it stop us from moving forward and helping our society. This will be helpful because it shows my audience that I am not disrespecting their viewpoints while expressing mine. 

Major supporting Arguments:

  • The TMT telescope is new technology that will collect information never seen before in our universe. The importance of this telescope is immense and has many effects of the future of our society and even our world. Without it, we are unable to advance in our society, making no forward progress. ( showing the importance for the future )
  • Mauna Kea is an Astronomical anomaly  having the greatest conditions for telescopes to to see into space clearly without any disturbance or bad effects. It had amazing conditions that make it the perfect spot for this amazing telescope. ( shot informational argument to explain why mauna kea )
  • Mauna Kea has been seen as environmentally sensitive but the TMT construction team has made and taken many precautions to limit the effects that this telescope will have on the environment. ( this is to argue and show how the TMT project is respecting the land and the culture )
  • The TMT project brings great advantages to the community and the University of Hawaii. It is generating a huge amount of money towards the land, and is creating a workforce for the community to help create jobs and employ people who need help. ( how TMT is giving to the community and the future )
Major Criticisms and rebuttals ( Note*- I am going to start me article with rebuttals therefore, when I get into my full argument, the critics will already be addressed )
  • Mauna Kea is the origin of Hawaiian Natives and their ancestors. It is an extremely sacred land that contains burial sights and many other monuments. Its a place that should always be remembered and not be tampered with. 
                          Rebuttal - Mauna Kea is extremely sacred and the cultural behind is very important, however, the TMT construction is not effecting any on the burial sights or monuments on Mauna Kea, leaving no harm to the land. Culture is something that we all should value and that I even value personally, but when something like this telescope that has such an advancement in our society, we shouldn't let our past hold us back. I believe that as long as the telescope doesn't effect any of the monuments, it should be allowed to be their along with the importance of the culture.

  • Mauna Kea is filled with Hawaiian culture and very scared to the community, therefore the native Hawaiians should be allowed to decide what gets built there. 
                        Rebuttal- Even though the Hawaiians have a significant past with this land and it is where they came from, the land is owned by the University of Hawaii, which is also collecting 1 million dollars in rent a year from the telescope. Therefore, It is up to the owners of the land in legal terms.

Gather Evidence ( Each color separates for which argument the evidence goes with)
"TMT will therefore reach further and see more clearly than previous telescopes by a factor of 10 to 100 depending on the observation" ( )

"TMT will provide new observational opportunities in essentially every field of astronomy and astrophysics. Because of the decades-long lifetime of TMT and the often-rapid advancement of astronomy into new areas, broadly useful capabilities have been emphasized, while maintaining specific capabilities needed to address key programs that are known now". ( )

"On the closer-end scale, people will be looking for planets—Earth-type planets where we might find life."(Native Hawaiian Astrophysicist)

"Mauna Kea is an ideal location for astronomy period, not just the TMT"(Native Hawaiian Astrophysicist)

"Now, that laminar flow of atmosphere means that we can look through the atmosphere without seeing any turbulent flows. You can imagine, painting a painting with a brush and, if it’s a turbulent atmosphere, you then have to use a really big brush to paint the picture. But if the atmosphere is laminar—a nice smooth, flow as it does over the shield volcano—then you can use brush tips that are very, very small to increase the details which you can see in the sky. So Mauna Kea, and likewise Haleakalā, they are both shield volcanoes and allow for this shield of air over the summit in a very nice manner that is best for astronomy" (Native Hawaiian Astrophysicist)

"Only a short piece of road would have to be constructed to the 13N site." ( Testing )

"TMT officials say they have sought to minimize the project’s environmental effects by choosing a site where fewer animals might be affected, building a double-walled septic tank to handle all wastewater, and committing to using less hazardous chemicals in the observatory." (Hofschneider, Anita.)

“It can’t happen,” Dawson said. “It’s a physical thing, it’s not an opinion thing.” (Hofschneider, Anita.)

"Dawson acknowledged that the road extension would curb the Wekiu bug’s habitat, but said the TMT is planning to fund a restoration project to mitigate that" (Hofschneider, Anita.)

We’re also paying rent [a million dollars per year], because we heard that. One thing you often hear from Hawaiians is ‘what will my kids be doing there.’ So we’re doing a workforce pipeline to ensure Hawaiians can work on the project.” (Alex Knapp)

"We’re able to hire the best people in the world because they want to come here to use the telescopes and be a part of this institute and that will of course occur and, again, continue" (Native Hawaiian Astrophysicist)

Conclusion - For my conclusion, i am going to use the "Future of the Debate" style. For this I am going to state the current motions of this project and where it is heading for. I a m then going to address my audience by explaining how this project is respectful towards the culture and environment and that without the support, the building could come to a halt. I will then further explain how the absence of this telescope will be detrimental to our future because it is one of kind. 

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