Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Reflection on project 3
1) From my draft I re organized the paragraphs to make it flow better, Integrated my quotes and gave them deeper analysis, and also added visual effects to my paper. There were also multiple grammar mistakes that I had to fix. 
Draft-"The issue is do these people really understand the logistics and details of this telescope? "
Final-"The issue is whether or not people understand the logistics and details of the Thirty Meter Telescope."

2) I didn't change my thesis at all but in my draft I started with my rebuttals and then stated my argument, but then I changed my rebuttals to then end and it seemed like it was better that way.

3) My peer reviews along with the style of my argument. My audience and purpose stayed consistent with both drafts.

4) These changes make my argument more thorough and easier to read, making my audience see that my writing is organized showing thatI know what I'm doing. This gives my paper credibility. A well presented paper makes the writer look like a professional.

5) These changes help better address the audience by tying them into my viewpoint before I rebuttal to their views on the situation. It makes them ponder while reading my viewpoint, then I cancel out their viewpoints with my rebuttals, leaving my stand on the situation stuck in their heads.

6) I made it so I had a wide variety of sentences from compound complex all the way to simple sentences all throughout my paper. The article style stayed the same, I just added more visual effects the add more attention grabbers.

"The thirty meter telescope is the biggest telescope to ever be built."

"It is also important to acknowledge our origin because it is where we came from and has significance on who we are today, but is it right to let our past hold us back and stop us from moving forward and progressing?"

7)These changes will help my audience read through the paper more easily and focused making them really think about whats right in this controversy. It will make them question themselves and possibly change their viewpoints. 

8) No I did not have to reconsider the conventions of the my genre. Other than changing my rebuttals to the end my convention were perfect for my audience and the structure of my paper.

9) This reflection process helped me understand what I went through to make a paper final. It made me understand the types of revision I need to look over and how much I needed to change from a draft to a final.

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