Saturday, August 1, 2015

Reflection on Project 2
1) The main things that I revised from my draft to my final was my Introduction, conclusion and grammatical, and structural errors in my sentences. 

2) My thesis came out pretty well the first time. I reorganized some points and the order in which they were presented. This made the flow of my essay go in the order that it was introduced in the thesis.

"In this article, Dennis Overbye argues that these budget cuts are very detrimental to scientists and their missions at NASA by including statistical information, inside views from NASA employees and professionals on the subject, and a well organized context filled with emotional appeals towards his audience."
Pointed out main ideas that I was going to talk about to make it clear and easy to understand.
3) These changes came mostly from organization issues. My message and audience stayed the same throughout the process of my thesis. I reworded the main argument a couple times to get it to sound right. 

4) These changes help because they show the audience that I know what Im doing and that Im doing it in a professional way. Without that, this paper would mean nothing to them and they would not gain anything from reading this paper.

5) They better address the audience my making a clearer statement, and a clearer essay to make the audience comprehend the information presented in an easier more effective way. 

6) After reading through the clarity sections, i realized that a lot of sentences had extra words or were in passive structure. I went back and made them active and cut out words that were repeated or not needed. I tried to also make a variety of simple, complex, and compound sentences throughout my essay. 

7) These changes help the audience understand the purpose my making the essay easier to read, make more sense, and lead by example. Its not good to write uninformative essay to teach others while having mistakes in it. A paper is easier to understand when written well, therefore, if it is written well the audience will understand whats going on and there  purpose behind it without struggling.

8)  i did have to consider the conventions because my genre is smaller than most, and it can be difficult to understand without previous scientific knowledge or interest. Therefore, I had to make a very clear and simple approach when organizing this paper and the information I put into it.

9) This process helped me understand the things that I need to look at in the future when writing essays, but also it helped me look back at my writing and see how one pice of writing started and one point and ended very different. 

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