Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Final Project 4
Dear Ms. Wolfe and fellow classmates,

Over the course of this class I have obtained new strategies in the processes of my writing. This class has taught me many things including time management and the specific steps needed to be taken to make a solid piece of writing. Some of the major aspects of writing I learned was how to gather sources and information to make a strong public argument and how to revise a paper correctly before turning in the final product. This class has brought my writing to another level which will keep progressing throughout my college career.
At the beginning of this class my writing processes consisted of a detailed plan followed by a certain time in which I would sit down and write the paper all at once. It is how I like to write and it is how I have formed myself as a writer. At the beginning of this class I said, “My writing process involves the "heavy planners" and the procrastination techniques. Even though the two seem contradicting, I tend to plan out my work piece by piece with every little detail, and then I write the whole thing at once near the end.”. These two strategies have stuck with me throughout the course, however, I have included a new strategy into the process of my writing that progressed through this class. This new process was called “heavy revisions”. Before I would always write my papers and not change much between the draft and the final. As the class progressed and we had assignments on revising I realized that so much needs to be changed and added to the draft to make it final. Although I didn’t do much revising for my first paper, as the second paper came along I noticed that I added and changed many aspects to my paper which made it a lot better. By the time the third paper came, I noticed that my draft almost looked nothing like my final. After revising I noticed that, “ From my draft I re organized the paragraphs to make it flow better, Integrated my quotes and gave them deeper analysis, and also added visual effects to my paper. There were also multiple grammar mistakes that I had to fix.” All of,  “These changes make my argument more thorough and easier to read, making my audience see that my writing is organized showing that I know what I'm doing. This gives my paper credibility. A well presented paper makes the writer look like a professional.” This showed the benefits my revisions had on my argument and my audience.  
Even though I thought some of the processes we went through were pointless at the time, I now see how important and vital they were to my writing. For example the cluster maps, gathering of multiple sources, and peer reviews  helped the planning and final product of my writing.  "In this cluster, I separated the information into three parts. The first part contains the main rhetorical strategies that are in the article that have appeals to credibility and logic. The second part shows the main cultural values that portrayed in the article. The final part contains all the rhetorical situations including the audience, context, and purpose of the article." The cluster maps visually organized the controversies in my writing, helping me see what I was going to say for both sides of the issue. The idea of having more sources than needed let me pick and chose from which articles would be good and bad for each writing. I was even able to use sources for multiple projects. Finally the peer reviews were also a huge success in this course. "After reading through my peers drafts, I realized that people make these types of errors all the time.  I realized that you have to read very closely to find some of them, but they are there. The most common error I found was in needed words and variety. A lot of people didn't have a huge variety of sentences. Second people were missing words that could have been used to make their sentences a little bit more clear." They showed me how my other classmates wrote and the common mistakes we were all making in our writings. It also helped me find issues and help my classmates. For example I helped fix a grammar problem in one of my peers drafts after learning new punctuation rules. "Every single person struggles with some aspect of the social game throughout life. Whether the struggle involves making new friends, keeping old ones, or having the courage to go ask out that pretty girl across the room that you know is way out of your league,; robots can help you to gain confidence, make a new friend, and learn how to interact in all of those situations that you never thought you could." The semicolon was not used correctly, therefore, I noted that it should change to a comma. I can confidently say that nothing in the class hurt or did not work in the process of my writing. Each aspect contributed in some way towards my final writings.
The final aspect this class taught me was how to write different forms of writing. Throughout highschool and the first semester of college I was used to writing standard college form essays. But in this class that changed. I learned that, "the conventions of a quick reference guide seem to be a way to organize information to show give the public a quick insight about a certain topic, person, or event.". A QRG was very knew to me. Before this class I had no idea what one was and after I had successfully written my own QRG. I also wrote my one public argument in an article format where I was able to express my own ideas in my paper which was very new to me.
Over the next few years I see my writing progressing exponentially. I believe that the mechanics that I learned in this class and English 101 will stick with me as I go on to writing Astronomy articles along with business papers. This class focused on addressing the audience in the best manner possible. As I carry that aspect with me through my college years it will help me communicate better through my papers ending with a better result. The new strategies of gathering sources, planning, writing in different formats, and revisions will help make my writing grow and mature as I move on through these next few years.

Aaron Jatana

Here I am about to take my victory lap..

Reflection on Open Letter Draft
I reviewed Helen's and Selena's papers.
1) My classmates at teacher are going to be the audience of this paper. I am trying to explain to them my achievements and thoughts in the English 102 class. 

2) There is not much biases my readers will have because this letter is only explaining my thoughts and opinions on the class and what I have personally learned and achieved. Therefore, I am respecting their opinions while writing this letter.

3) The expectations are details and examples of ideas and aspects of the class that helped me improve my writing. They want to see how my work has changed throughout this course along with my view of writing. 

4) There is not much background information I need to give my audience because they all went through the class too. The only context that I provide are examples of my writings and thoughts that occurred earlier in the class. 

5) The language suitable for my audience in an educated and informative language. It explains and shows my opinions on the course without disrespecting any feelings of others. 

6) The tone I should use toward my audience is a calm and conversational tone that keeps the audience intrigued while reading this letter. 
Peer Review for Project 4

I reviewed the projects of Helen and Selena 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Draft of Open Letter 
My draft consists of multiple explanation of how my writing improved and how it improved. It explains the processes that I thought were successful in this class. If you guys can comment on the integration of my quotes and any ideas on author resources I could possible use in my draft. Also if you can comment in my introduction and its organization that would be awesome. 

Reflection on My Writing Experiences 
1) Before taking my first-year composition courses I thought that english and writing were just classes that I needed to get out of the way as a requirement through the school. But little did I realize that I will be writing business papers, presentations, articles all throughout my college years, and that these classes will help perfect my writing for my other classes when professional papers are needed to be done. 

2) The biggest lesson I learned is that no paper or any form of writing is its best when first written. Writing needs to be read aloud, twisted, changes, and reformatted before and can be decided to be published. Its a whole process when writing a paper, and revisions are one of the most important parts about it.
"As the second project came along I still planned it out very specifically and waited for the last minute, however, I looked over my draft and final paper 2 or 3 more times than I ever did before. I even remember when I was turning in my second project, I was confident that it was thoroughly done and didn't have many mistakes at all. I knew that it read through clearly and that made me feel very confident while turning it in."

3) I liked how in the class we made cluster maps and found more sources than we needed, making us have extensive research done before the writing even began. It helped by having many options to choose from and made me narrow it down and focus on one idea.

"In this cluster, I separated the information into three parts. The first part contains the main rhetorical strategies that are in the article that have appeals to credibility and logic. The second part shows the main cultural values that portrayed in the article. The final part contains all the rhetorical situations including the audience, context, and purpose of the article."

4) I really liked the peer review process because it helped me see what my other classmates were writing about and how different their writing structures were compared to mine. There comments on my paper also helped a lot by catching things that I did not see.

"After reading through my peers drafts, I realized that people make these types of errors all the time.  I realized that you have to read very closely to find some of them, but they are there. The most common error I found was in needed words and variety. A lot of people didn't have a hug variety of sentences. Second people were missing words that could have been used to make their sentences a little bit more clear."

5) In this course we didn't get the chance to have conferences with our instructor because it was an online class. But the comments left on our papers helped out a lot. 

6) I actually talked to many people about my controversy because they would ask why Im writing a paper during summer, and the conversation would lead to me telling them why a telescope should be built on the sacred land of Mauna Kea. This helped because it gave me other peoples views on my views. 

7) My revision process changed throughout the class as I didn't look over much on the first paper but as the class progressed I realized its importance and started to revise and change my papers making them much more better. For the second and third essay I read aloud and changed my paper multiple times.

8) I never knew what a QRG was before this class. It was fun to write one and understand its significance. Also my last essay I wrote it in an article format. I thought it was easier than a standard college essay because there weren't as many restrictions

"the conventions of a quick reference guide seem to be a way to organize information to show give the public a quick insight about a certain topic, person, or event."

9) I would understand the significance of the work better and definitely revise my previous papers a lot more. 

10) I can now see how college writing will help me later in writing business papers and journal articles. It helped my address an audience in the most effective way which is a great advantage to have as a writer. 

11) I learned that revising is an extremely important part of the writing process. I also learned that QRG's are a very successful way to become familiar with a certain topic.

12) Yes, after doing the three projects, I realized that I am and may always be a procastinated writer, however, its not a bad thing if I leave time to always get it done and to revise. 

13)I feel like I gained many new aspects of writing from each of the projects done in this class. None of them seemed pointless or not helpful in any way. 

14)Out of the goals that were expressed in the syllabus, I believe that couple them were successfully achieved throughout this course. Developing an argument and writing a persuasive paper. I feel like I successfully learned how to take a controversy, pick a side, and express my opinion the the public with a persuasive voice. Another success was using the conventions of academic writing, including clear, convincing prose
Revisiting My Writing Process
After going through and reading my first post about my writing process I noticed many things. At the beginning of this course I thought of my writing process as heavily planned out along with procrastination. Which was true and is still true. The first project I did for this class was extremely planned out and I wrote both the draft and the final paper on the days that they were do. It is just the way I like to write. I like to sit down knowing that this is the only time to do it, making me get it all done in one sitting. The thing that I lacked and said I wanted to improve on was my revisions. I can proudly say that I have been improving on that part of writing immensely. As the second project came along I still planned it out very specifically and waited for the last minute, however, I looked over my draft and final paper 2 or 3 more times than I ever did before. I even remember when I was turning in my second project, I was confident that it was thoroughly done and didn't have many mistakes at all. I knew that it read through clearly and that made me feel very confident while turning it in. The same thing happened with this last project. I planned it out with many details and wrote it on the last day, however, I looked over and read it out loud multiple times. I changed the organization, sentence structures, and even added more to it while revising. It made my paper a whole lot better from the draft. I am glad that I incorporated this part of writing through this class because it is vital to do before turning in a paper. My experience in this class tells me that my writing can exponentially get better through the different processes I keep learning to go through when writing a paper. It showed me that I am extremely interested in my field and that I enjoy writing about it. It tells me that I may be working in the field of Astronomy when I am finishing up college. 
Reflection on project 3
1) From my draft I re organized the paragraphs to make it flow better, Integrated my quotes and gave them deeper analysis, and also added visual effects to my paper. There were also multiple grammar mistakes that I had to fix. 
Draft-"The issue is do these people really understand the logistics and details of this telescope? "
Final-"The issue is whether or not people understand the logistics and details of the Thirty Meter Telescope."

2) I didn't change my thesis at all but in my draft I started with my rebuttals and then stated my argument, but then I changed my rebuttals to then end and it seemed like it was better that way.

3) My peer reviews along with the style of my argument. My audience and purpose stayed consistent with both drafts.

4) These changes make my argument more thorough and easier to read, making my audience see that my writing is organized showing thatI know what I'm doing. This gives my paper credibility. A well presented paper makes the writer look like a professional.

5) These changes help better address the audience by tying them into my viewpoint before I rebuttal to their views on the situation. It makes them ponder while reading my viewpoint, then I cancel out their viewpoints with my rebuttals, leaving my stand on the situation stuck in their heads.

6) I made it so I had a wide variety of sentences from compound complex all the way to simple sentences all throughout my paper. The article style stayed the same, I just added more visual effects the add more attention grabbers.

"The thirty meter telescope is the biggest telescope to ever be built."

"It is also important to acknowledge our origin because it is where we came from and has significance on who we are today, but is it right to let our past hold us back and stop us from moving forward and progressing?"

7)These changes will help my audience read through the paper more easily and focused making them really think about whats right in this controversy. It will make them question themselves and possibly change their viewpoints. 

8) No I did not have to reconsider the conventions of the my genre. Other than changing my rebuttals to the end my convention were perfect for my audience and the structure of my paper.

9) This reflection process helped me understand what I went through to make a paper final. It made me understand the types of revision I need to look over and how much I needed to change from a draft to a final.