Thursday, July 16, 2015

Annotated Bibliography in Astronomy/MLA Style

         Ghorayshi, Azeen. "Astronomers Clash Over A Giant Telescope On        A Sacred Hawaiian           Mountain." (2015): n. pag. Web.

         Ghorayshi overviews the controversy between building the 1.2 billion dollar telescope on sacred land. He goes over specific details about how much the telescope will pay Mauna Kea a year along with the advantages it will bring to the community. He also talks about how the people of Hawaii are protesting and getting arrested in front of the construction site. He focuses on how the astronomy community has broken out in Hawaii. Celebrity endorsements have been causing arguments and debates over what is right. Culture and the past or the universe and our future? This article will be helpful towards my paper as it brings in specifics about the controversy and how much money is involved. It is a credible source that will help create a positive argument.

           Knapp, Alex. "Understanding The Thirty Meter Telescope Controversy." (2015): n. pag. Web. 16 July 2015.

         Alex Knapp does a quick overview on the issue between the Natives and their sacred land, however, he quickly transitions into talking about how there are already 13 other telescopes in Mauna Kea. He focuses on the governor of Hawaii is handling the situation and the deals that Hawaii and TMT are trying to agree upon. This article is use full towards my paper because it shows both sides of the debate but also picks a side showing that they want the telescope to be built.

           M. Schöck, S. Els, R. Riddle, W. Skidmore, T. Travouillon, R. Blum, E.  Bustos, G. Chanan, S. G. Djorgovski, P. Gillett, B. Gregory, J. Nelson, A. Otárola, J. Seguel, J. Vasquez, A. Walker, D. Walker and L. Wang “Thirty Meter Telescope Site Testing I: Overview”Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 121, No. 878 (April 2009), pp. 384-395

This article goes over the selection process that was made towards finding out there the thirty meter telescope should be placed. It talks about the atmospheres conditions in all the prospective areas along with the perfect altitude, building space, technology etc.  The testing for the location took over a span of 5 years. Checking conditions of each site very closely. The other candidates included Chile, Baja California, Mexico etc. This article is very useful towards my paper as it pick a side on the controversy. It shows why the telescope needs to placed at Mauna Kea for the best results. It contains credible sources from many jounals and Astronomers.

           Janet D. StemWedel “docfreeride” “Keiki Future - TMT Shutdown”

This video shows a boy in Hawaii going through sheets of paper explaining why Mauna Kea is so sacred. It shows the emotion of the Hawaiian natives and their view on the construction of this telescope.  It provides a physical view to its audience of what the Hawaiian Natives are going through and feeling. This is helpful to my paper as it is extremely credible due to its source. Also it picks one side of the controversy. IT was a tweet from someone else, but due to the fact that the person is the video is actually Hawaiian, it makes the post extremely credible.

             BJ Penn Hawaii News “PennHawaiiNews” “People from around the world join in  fight                against Thirty Meter Telescope construction on #MaunaKea.

            This social media post shows the perspective of the Hawaiian population. It was from a newscast station telling people to join the fight against the telescope. This tweet was towards the people of Hawaii showing the political view of what the people want. IT is a very credible source as it comes from a newscast station in Hawaii. It will be helpful in my paper because it brings credibility to the subject and shows the majority of Hawaiians view on the topic.

Cho, Adrian, and Ilima Loomis. "Hawaii's Governor Proposes Telescope Swap." Science 348.6239 (2015): 1069-1070. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 July 2015.

     This article goes over the compromises that Governor David Ige presents to the TMT team. He tries to settle an agreement of removing a quarter of the present telescopes in order to build the thirty meter telescope. However, protesters still seem to be angered. Many are still their postponing the construction. This compromise is only 1 of 10 conditions the Governor has put on the sacred grounds of Mauna Kea. He admits to the fact that they have not preserved the sacred land well enough. Looking forward the article looks at economical issues if destroying the existing telescopes. It will cause debt and a lose of data that the telescopes bring in. This articles is useful towards my paper because it shows an attempt to settle the controversy. It also shows the advantages and disadvantages of what each side of the debate will gain and lose.

Pullin, Richard. "Eleven Arrested in Protest Against Hawaii Telescope." Ed.    Curtis Skinner. The     New York Times. N.p., 24 June 2015. Web. 20 July
         The purpose of this article was to inform the general public about what Hawaiian Natives were doing at the TMT to site. It was posted to give an update on the protests, along with showing the Hawaiian natives reason for protesting.  The primary audience of this Article is the daily readers of the New york Times and politicians to read and learn about the subject. The methods used to inform the general public was shown through direct quotes from Hawaiian Natives telling people the importance of Mauna Kea. This article focuses on the news of 13 more Hawaiians being arrested at Mauna Kea adding to the other 31 protestors back in march. This Artcile will help me portray the Hawaiians views and feelings of Mauna Kea.

Fox, Chloe. "Everything You Need To Know About The Viral Protests Against A Hawaii     Telescope." Web log post. N.p., 13 Apr. 2015. Web. 21 July 2015.
The purpose of this Article was too breakdown both sides of the controversy.  Its audience is towards people interested in the subject that want to be informed on everything that had been happening in the controversy. The overall all purpose show the perspectives of both sides so people can gain an opinion on the controversy.  Citing multiple pictures showing protests, and prototypes of what the telescope might look like formed this article helped form this article. Also introducing explanations of advantages that TMT will bring by intelligent Astronomers. It also bings in direct quotes from natives as well. This will contribute to my paper because it gives me explanations from professionals about each side of the controversy that I can include in my QRG

Kelleher, Jennifer Sinco. "Protesters Bracing Themselves 'Mentally, Spiritually' For Battle   Atop Hawaii Volcano." Web log post. N.p., 24 June 2015. Web. 21 July 2015.
         The purpose of this article was to give people direct feeling from protesters of Mauna Kea. The audience of this article is aimed towards politics and people in favor of TMT going on. The methods this author uses is giving direct quotes from protesters themselves on their plans, feelings, and future action on the subject.  The author takes direct quotes such as "We're bracing ourselves mentally, spiritually for the battle ahead," and others to give perspective of the Hawaiian natives. This article will be helpful because it gives me direct info of the Hawaiians point of view on the subject.

Mauna A Wakea TMT Shutdown. Dir. Maya Goodoni. Perf. HawaiianNatives. Youtube, 2015. Video Blog.

The purpose of this video was to show dedication that the Hawaiians put towards Mauna Kea while protesting. The audience of this video is aimed to show astronomers, physicist, general public, and politicians how important Mauna Kea is to Hawaiian Natives. The overall purpose is to get people to notice how much time and effort Hawaiians are putting in to save their sacred land. The video plays a calm and native Hawaiian sounds in the back to give a eye-opening mood to the audience. Also there are sounds of the weather and the visuals of people bundled up protesting. This will be helpful to show the Hawaiians view towards TMT being built, and how dedicated they are to stop it.

extra source - "Science with a 30-meter Telescope." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 July 2015.


  1. Looks like a great list of sources with very thoughtful annotations. However, the formatting is a little off-putting and makes reading through a little difficult. Could you format it according to MLA? In other words, all one font type and size, etc?
