Monday, July 27, 2015

Cultural Analysis of "NASA to Cut Back Scientific Missions Because of Budget"

Cultural key words- Budget cuts, science, research, alarmed and outraged, feared, disappearing, generation.

Main thesis- The extreme budget cuts towards NASA will cause issues towards our future and future generations due to the fact that NASA will have to put aside their scientific space projects.

These keywords help the author support his argument by showing the feelings and values that are being affected by the NASA budget cuts. For example the use of the words "alarmed and outraged", "disappearing", and "feared" show how the budget cuts are making scientists feel. By using these words it shows how the scientific community at NASA is feeling and how the are affected by these Budget cuts. Another very important word is "future". The future is one of the authors main arguments, in how the Budget cuts will effect our future generations and also slow down the goals and achievements that NASA is aiming towards.

The audience of this article will be more likely to agree with the author when seeing these words because they appeal to emotion by pointing out the key problems, making them stand out to people. By using these words repetitively  through the paper the audience sees them over and over again, making these important points stand out to the audience. When the audience reads the words such as "alarmed" and "feared" it makes them understand how NASA scientists are feeling, making the audience want to help or agree with the authors argument. The values of the future and other generation will catch the audience's eyes because anyone that is interested in science and astronomy has the "future"on their mind at all times. And when the authors arguments states the the "research" along with "future generations" will be affected by the budget cuts, the audience will become persuaded to agree with the authors argument. 

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