Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Me thoughts on Comments
        Many of the comments on the Deadline article expressed fears on Donald Trump's speech towards illegal immigration. These comments that people had left weren't so much fears as in being scared and hiding, but worries on what would happen if Donald Trump were to actually be elected as President. People left comments about how he is only focused on illegal immigration and being racist, saying that majority of illegal immigrants are criminals. These commenters are afraid that if Donald Trump is president, America will be taking steps backwards instead of forward. They are afraid that America will not have a good relationship with Mexico causing more mayhem. Many of the commenters agreed on cracking down illegal immigrants with criminal records, but the way they see that Donald Trump is handling the situation, the situation will only become worse. One person even said it was like he is "Pouring gasoline on a fire". 
       When looking at these comments as a whole, they show what citizens of America believe in, and that is freedom. People come to America to find freedom and get a better life. One commenter told a story of how his mother crossed the border illegally to make sure he could get a better life. She then worked hard to become a citizen and now he is sitting at a computer and posting his story. Without his mother crossing illegally his post would never even be on here. The other comments relate in how they believe that people should get a chance but also understand how America needs to focus on its self too! There are other issues in America that commenters were worried about. They called out Trump in how he was focusing his whole argument on the issues of illegal immigration. All of that shows that these commenters have morals toward making America a better place for themselves and others.
    The commenters who had the most reasonable comments were the ones who justified with Trump. The commenter Al'n, the same one whose mother was an illegal immigrant, commented on how Donald Trump was pin-pointing only the bad examples and not focusing on the majority of the situation. The commenter talked about how many illegal immigrants are good and just trying to find a better life while Donald Trump in only shining the light on the bad ones.
  The commenter who showed the least credibility was the one who showed he was racist himself. This commenter didn't even express any opinion of illegal immigrants in America. He/She only states how they hate dog fighting and how its a huge role in the Mexican Culture. Nothing was stated about Trump. That showed that they had no credibility making readers and I  not trust or take into account their comment.

After reading through many people's comments I noticed that most of us had very similar responses. For example most of us thought the dog fighting comment was useless. Also how many of us connected on the idea that America is afraid of Donald Trump becoming president. I read through my own comments again and noticed how we all understood that the untrustworthy comments gave no justifications or factual information, helping us realize what we need to do to make a credible argument or opinion.

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