Evaluation of General Sources
My first source that I found about the thirty meter telescope controversy was from the sight Buzzefeed.com. The URL ends with .com which is the most popular ending in a URL. This ending means that it is from a sight where companies try to advertise. This means that information on this sight can be credible but also could mean that a company is just trying to get your intention. considering that this link isn't trying to sell anything, there is reason for false information to be portrayed on in this Article making it credible. The author of this Article was shown, with a picture, right next to the Article's title. Also there was a link that took me to the Authors biography and her previous writings. Therefore, there was no speculation to who wrote the Article and where the information was coming from. This Article was very recent and was last updated on April 11th 2015, leaving no false or unreliable information. The purpose of this Article was to explain the controversy of why the thirty meter telescope or "TMT" was causing issues with Hawaiian natives. The Article overviewed the reason to why the telescope was necessary for Astronomers, but also why the land was so sacred to Hawaiians, leading to protests. Throughout the article their are multiple graphics showing pictures of what the telescope would look like when built along with pictures of Hawaiians protesting. Some graphics illustrate how the natives see that land, while the other graphics show how technologically advanced this telescope will be if built. This article doesn't take a particular position on whose right; The article focuses more in explaining both sides. This information in this article states more facts than opinions. Lastly the links to this article pop up everywhere. All the pictures have links to their home pages along with certain phrases in the article that lead to more articles about the controversy, meaning that this sight it up and working and extremely credible.
My second source also has a an ending if .com meaning its a very popular we address in which companies want to advertise. However, the article is not trying to sell a product only relay information making the article still very credible. Along with the .com this article in from Forbes which is a very prestigious high class business company giving the article even more credibility. The author of this article is an employed reporter at Forbes. His name is Alex Knapp and on the left side of the Article his profile and other recent Articles pop up as well, leaving no confusion towards who wrote the article. It was last updated on June 6th 2015. Therefore, the information is very up to date leaving the audience comfortable with what they are reading. The purpose of this article was to show the audience or public what was going on between the two sides of this controversy. The article goes over multiple deals that Astronomers are offering the land and community for the Telescope to be built. Also it points out how there are already 13 telescopes in the area, so whats the big deal? The article does relay information about why Hawaiians think that it will ruin their community and bring bad views toward science. In this Article their is only one graphic showing an image of the soon to be built telescope. It illustrates how amazing this piece of technology is. Unlike the other article, this one takes the side of building the Telescope by only showing pictures of what it will look like, the opportunities it will give to the community and towards Astronomy, and lastly it focuses on the money 9t will be paying for the land. The audience who will profit are the ones in favor of going forward with this project. It makes sense that it is that way because Forbes is a business media company. Therefore, they lead towards the side of moving forward in technology. This source leads to many other articles about the telescope and the controversy showing its credibility of proof of strong information.
Author- Alex Knapp
A nice selection of general sources.