Friday, July 17, 2015

Craft Box
Step one

  -David Ige had made a new proposal on the way Mauna Kea is maintained while also allowing the Construction of TMT to continue. If the Telescope passes Hawaiian Supreme Court it will be up and running in 2024 being the 14th telescope in Mauna Kea, making it seem like there is no real issue going on. 

-Alex Knapp begins to go into the history of this controversy by talking about the protests that have been going on since 1964 to protect this land. The land of Mauna Kea is sacred to the culture of Hawaiin Natives. When Mana Kea was selected for TMT the team new they would need support from people on the bid island unlike the past.

- Alex goes into detail on how the TMT team compromises with the people in hawaii. TMT offered money for rent and positions on the work force for the project. Alex then talks about the economical benefits of TMT towards the islands business's.

-  The author talks about Kealoha Pisciotta, the head protector of Mauna Kea, and how she says that Mauna kea does not just have ecological issues but more importantly it is her peoples origin and culture, rejecting the idea that TMT will be good for the economy.

-Pisciotta goes further into detail how the telescopes have a tendency to be more than expected. For example using more resources. She no longer has trust for the project, but still believes that telescopes are helpful. So she wanted 25% of to be decommissioned when the lease is over in 2033 or for them all to pay rent.

- The ending of this article talks about and outsider Astrophysicist named Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein who talks about hoe putting science over everything will cause chaos and make the community of Hawaii against science which is not good for future generations.

- The opposite big is from Dr. Paul Coleman who is for the TMT project saying that this has been planned out for 7 years and the construction of TMT is safe and respectful to the land. Finally Piscoitta finishes by saying that there are solutions for every party.

Main claims- governor says TMT shall continue 
                   - there are already 13 telescopes there why will one more hurt
                   - TMT offers million dollar rent and jobs for people in hawaii on the project.
                   - Piscoitta is not just worried about ecological issues but emphasizes on the importance of culture / Wants 25% of telescopes gone 
                   - Dr.Prescod-Weinstein stresses how scinece above all will ruin trust and community
                   - Dr. Paul Coleman states that TMT is worth the space and is offering many advantages to the area.

Step 2
 The Article "Understanding the Thirty Meter Telescope" overviews both sides of the controversy. Even though Governor David Ige just gave permission for the project to continue there is still conflict. The issue seems vague due to the fact that there are already 13 other telescopes but Hawaii protestors are still angry, Piscoitta, the head of the Mauna Kea talks about the ecological issues and most importantly the cultural of Mauna Kea. She wants 25% of the telescopes gone when the lease is over. She is backed up by Dr. Prescod-Weinstein who talks about how putting science above all will ruin their community. Finally Alex Knapp ends his article by introducing Dr. Paul Coleman who is a strong believer in TMT and that its advantages are worth the whole thing.

Step 3 The Article "Understanding the Thirty Meter Telescope" overviews both sides of the TMT controversy. Even though Governor David Ige just gave permission for the project to continue there is still conflict. The issue seems vague due to the fact that there are already 13 other telescopes but Hawaii protestors are still angry. Piscoitta the head of the Mauna Kea, talks about the ecological issues and most importantly the cultural of Mauna Kea and is backed up by Dr. Prescod-Weinstein who talks about how putting science above all will ruin their community. Finally Alex Knapp ends his article by introducing Dr. Paul Coleman who is a strong believer in TMT and that its advantages are worth the whole thing...

Step 4  I reviewed Jess's summary and I noticed how we had the same idea on giving a brief description of both sides of the article. The only thing that I saw that was different was that I introduced specific people in my summary a long with details.

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