Friday, July 17, 2015

QRG's the Genre
       - the conventions of a quick reference guide seem to be a way to organize information to show give the public a quick insight about a certain topic, person, or event.

      - The conventions are defined by how the author designs his or her quick reference guide. For example the QRG for the Sochi olympics separated the article into different topics. One topic would explain the meaning of certain outfits that were worn, or why the countries entered in an odd order. It is how they organize the information to make the article simple and easy to understand. There are no hidden long answers. They are straight forward and to the point. Another example is the QRG about Scott walker. At first it gives a summary about one of his campaigns and his strengths and weaknesses. But after the short summary in explains quick and easy question. Such as 'Who is he", "Is he running for president", "who wants him to run" etc. Then it follows with simple one sentence answers. This design show the conventions of a QRG.

     - The purpose of a QRG seems to be an easy and helpful way to get a quick understanding about a person, topic, controversy etc.

    - The intended audience of a QRG are people that are not up to date or clueless about a certain topic. It is for people that want to know the basic knowledge or information about a certain event, person, idea, debate etc. QRGs are all intended for people that are un informed but those audiences can change, depending on the topic. For example if there was a group of politicians, the Gamergate QRG would be intended for them, but the QRG about Scott Walker would have a different audience. The politicians are most likely informed about Scott walker, therefore, they don't need to know the basics about him and his campaign.

The three people I commented on were :

After reading through all their comments on QRG's I noticed that all of us had the same general idea about what QRG's were about. I thought it was interesting how we all had different views of what made it so effective and easy to read through. We all saw different purposes in the QRG's which is cool because it shows how we all think differently. I noticed that in mine, I had many more example from QRG's than the other classmates comments.


  1. Very detailed answers; the examples given make the info more complete. I agree with the purpose and the intended audience replies; QRGs do tend to be read by non-experts on the subject and these audiences vary widely.

  2. I like that you mentioned that QRG's could be about people who don't really know much about the topic. I thought of them more as guides for people who do know about the subject, but want quick and easily accessible information. I didn't really think about that obvious (that people want to learn more about the subject). That was smart of you to mention.

  3. I agree with you that the audience is intended to be not familiar with the topic they are reading about, but I said that they have at least some sort of knowledge about it. I chose that because I don't think the audience would read it if they knew nothing about a subject, but rather have heard a little bit about it and are interested in finding out more. I don't think the audience knows a whole lot about the subject either though, because then they would be reading something with more detail.
